First of all, after lots of my Italian clients were asking me to stay in touch more, I set up a facebook page which you can follow to see my recent works and to keep up to date with my photography. Here is the link: Facebook
Throughout August I was working in Italy. I put on a super exhibition in Montallegro -- it's my home town, being a village near Agrigento of about 2500 people so you won't be surprised that I know almost everyboby (how different from London!).
The exhibition was absolutely great, we had articles in local and regional
newspapers, and got noted on some of the most important Agrigento websites
where you can see some pictures and some articles. The opening was on the 11th and we keep busy for about a week. The exhibition was such a success that we then moved it some other villages nearby. Here are some photos and links!

On the press:

The exhibition on line:
The event on facebook: